Sustainable farming
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Sustainability is in the genes of our dairy farmers. Treating animals and the environment responsibly. And building a future-proof dairy farm – for future generations.
No two dairy farms are the same. And every dairy farmer has his or her own way of making dairy farming more sustainable. To make the sustainable management of our members transparent and to stimulate them further, DOC Kaas has had a sustainability programme since 2014 which is updated annually: Milkmaster.
Our sustainability programme Milkmaster focuses on 4 themes
Happy in the meadow
Cows in the meadow characterise the Dutch landscape. Vast meadows with grazing cows or cows lying down to ruminate. Members who let their cows graze outdoors for at least 6 hours a day for at least 120 days a year (or a minimum of 720 hours for 120 days) receive a bonus on their milk price. Not all dairy farmers have the opportunity or sufficient land around the farm to give their cows full access to pasture. For them there is a supplement for partial pasture.
Outdoor grazing at the dairy farm
This video from the Sustainable Dairy Chain gives a brief explanation of what outdoor grazing exactly entails.
GMO-free milk
The demand for gmo-free food in Europe is increasing and the DMK Group would like to meet this demand with gmo-free dairy products. Since 2019, the member dairy farmers of DOC Kaas can supply gmo-free milk. This milk has been produced according to the VLOG standard. VLOG is a German certification and stands for “Verband Lebensmitteln Ohne Gentechnik”. It means that the feed of the cows and calves does not contain genetically modified organisms (GMO). To encourage dairy farmers to supply GMO-free milk, members participating in the VLOG programme receive a supplement on the milk price.
Dutch dairy
As a dairy cooperative, we endorse the goals of the Sustainable Dairy Chain, a collaboration between dairy companies and dairy farmers, and we encourage sustainable business practices by our members. We are also a member of the Dutch Dairy Association NZO and affiliated with ZuivelNL, the branch organisation of dairy farmers and dairy companies.
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by the members!